
Payment/Insurance Information

You can pay by bank transfer, cash or cheque at the time of the consultation.

If you have private health insurance, your insurer may reimburse you the cost of a lactation consultation. Insurers who provide cover for physiotherapy and other "complementary therapies" will often reimburse for a lactation consultation. I will provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance provider.

The cost of a consultation is 12-15 % of the cost of using formula (estimated at about £1,000) for the first year of your baby's life.

The value of a lactation consultation lies in the extent to which it allows you to fulfil your breastfeeding goals - for most mothers this is to reach a place where breastfeeding is easy and comfortable, and you feel empowered to continue for as long as you would like.

Of course, the cost of formula feeding is spread out over a year whereas a lactation consultation is paid in one lump sum, which can be difficult for new parents. If full payment at the time of the consultation will cause hardship for you, let us confer to find a payment plan you can manage.